Know God

Our Christian education classes on Sundays are designed to help you take your next step in your spiritual journey of Knowing God, Loving Others and Serving the World. Whether you're just starting your journey or have been traveling this path for a long time, we offer classes which will inform and inspire you in your relationship with God.

These classes provide opportunities to learn and to connect with others through study, prayer, and discussion. Following are the classes that will are currently offered. All classes are open. The Education Team appreciates your suggestions for future classes. 

Sunday Adult Classes

9:00 - 9:50 AM

Spring 2024

Brethren Beliefs and Practices

Taught by Ron St. Clair and Larry Truax

Room 410

The class will begin with a review of Brethren from their Pietist and Anabaptist beginnings.  The majority of time will be focusing on basic faith and practices of Brethren in their interaction and securing distinguishing characteristics in the 300 years since establishment at Germantown (Philadelphia) in 1723.


The Book of Daniel

Taught by Dennis Emmert and Bob Frick

Room 305

The Book of Daniel written during Israel’s exile in Babylon provides readers with both a historical account of national events and a prophetic account of the Messiah’s coming and the events that would follow. God’s sovereignty in both the historical and prophetic content and the numerous pictures of Jesus found in Daniel will be explored. Daniel encouraged the people of Judah as exiles in Babylon by reminding them of God’s ultimate control over events. 

A Time For Prayer

Taught by Kim Nielsen

Room 303

Jesus said that “apart from Him we can do nothing”. Has the church felt the full weight of the word “nothing?” Have you personally experienced the weight of “nothing,” apart from Him? God calls us to be a people of prayer, desperately depending on Him to move and transform hearts and lives. The practice of prayer is learning to set aside dedicated time to intentionally be with God in order to become like Him and partner with Him in the world. Having just been encouraged by our Renewal Speakers to spend time in prayer and fasting, all are invited to set a part a time to pray through the Psalms and to pray for our church.